The beautiful thing about gratitude is that, it’s great for our mental wellbeing.
In life, there’s always going to be something or the other that we aren’t happy about, but gratitude forces us to acknowledge what is working instead of what isn’t working.
In the process of thanking God and expressing gratitude, our hearts are lifted, we experience comfort beauty and joy.
Scientific research shows that our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, when we practice gratitude. These are the two neurotransmitters that are responsible for making us feel ‘good’. They improve our mood and make us feel happy.
A study conducted by two professors from Indiana University found that people who consciously count their blessings tend to be happier and less depressed. People with mental health concerns who practiced gratitude by writing letters over a few weeks, reported improved mental health.
I also enjoyed watching this TED talk about the benefits of gratitude to the brain. Feel free to check it out!
Isn’t God good? As we thank Him, our bodies and minds receive tangible benefits, and the practice of constant thanksgiving makes us whole and healthy. Praise God!
Thanksgiving prompt: Thank God for your brain. Thank Him for how your mind works, and the million and one things your brain does to power your body with minimal effort from you.
I advice that you journal your thanksgiving, it will help you engage in it more consciously, and in 50 days, you will have a record of gratitude. You can play the song below as you journal. As always, please share with a friend!
PS: Thanks to everyone who reached out to me yesterday to wish me happy birthday, and prayed for me. I’m really grateful. God bless you!
One Response
Raks permit me to summarise today’s lesson with this SONG:
I will never be ungrateful to you Lord
I will never be ungrateful to you Lord
I will never be ungrateful to you Lord
I will never be ungrateful to you Lord!!!!!!!
Praise God!!!!!!