There Is No Distance- Lavish Day 6

One question I get a lot is “How do I seek God”. People expect me to tell them that I read my Bible for 5 hours everyday, and then pray in tongues for 2, and maybe worship for 30 minutes. No such routine or schedule exists in my life. I read my Bible, I pray in tongues, I worship and I dance before the Lord. I do all of these things. But I also think of these things as just a minute part of the full rich relationship I have with God. They lead me to God but they aren’t God.

To seek God you must remember that he’s a person and not a concept. When you think about hanging out with your friend or your siblings, do you have to draw up an agenda? No. You just go to them. And you talk, you gist, you laugh. You watch tv, you go for lunch etc. It’s the same thing with God. The Holy Spirit is a person. Like he is real and he has a personality. So imagine someone was trying to know you and they read a book about you and stopped there. They don’t talk to you, they don’t listen to you, they don’t come to visit you. They just read about you and think they know all about you. That’s how we approach God

We forget that the Bible is a book filled with stories of men’s encounters with God. The Psalms that we read were heartfelt declarations of David to the God he spent his life knowing. David knew God as a real person. Little wonder God calls him a man after his own heart. He spoke to God, spoke about him. Honoured him in public and in private.

God spoke to Moses face to face like a man speaks with a friend. Now we have greater than what Moses had. His spirit. Living in us. 24/7. Uninterrupted union and communion. Seeking God is beyond reading a book or your Bible. It’s beyond playing worship music. It’s beyond asking him for things. It’s beyond rules and regulations. It’s being yourself. Everytime I want to remind myself of who God is and what he’s like. I read about Jesus. And the disciples. Yes they did God’s work but they actually had fun together. Jesus listened to them, travelled with them, played with them. Had regular conversations with them. Loved them. And he’s still the same Jesus. And he wants the same with you. This might seem scary and like blasphemy but it’s the truth. You just have to start. Whatever starting looks like for you, God is waiting. Will you make mistakes? Yes you will. But you’ll also grow in your knowledge of him. This is what it means to dwell in the secret place of God Most High. This is what it means to be intimate with God.

It’s the same thing with me. I sit down to talk to Jesus. He’s always with me. So when I wake up in the morning, we just talk. Sometimes we sit in silence enjoying each other’s company. Sometimes we go out together. When I go to lunch with Jesus, I get a table for two and I actually leave his seat there. He’s not my imaginary friend, he’s there. Physical eyes just can’t see him. We do things together. We cook together (I hardly cook sha lmao), we play together. We cry together. I gist him about what’s on my heart.

There’s no distance between you and God. You can open your mouth and start talking to him now. He is right there with you.

Deeper In Love- Don Moen

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